Does state-mandated financial education reduce high school graduation rates?,
Carly Urban,
in Economics of Education Review
Keywords: High school graduation; Personal finance; Financial education;
Does State-Mandated Financial Education Reduce High School Graduation Rates?,
Carly Urban,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: high school graduation, personal finance, financial education
Local Economic Gains from Primary Election Spending,
Rebecca Lessem and Carly Urban,
in Economic Journal
Dollars on the Sidewalk: Should U.S. Presidential Candidates Advertise in Uncontested States?,
Carly Urban and Sarah Niebler,
in American Journal of Political Science
Public Housing Authorities’ Housing Choice Voucher Policies Can Affect SSI Participation,
Erik Hembre and Carly Urban,
in National Tax Journal
Does negative advertising affect giving behavior? Evidence from campaign contributions,
Sarah Niebler and Carly Urban,
in Journal of Public Economics
Keywords: Campaign contributions; Negative advertising; Primary elections; Fundraising; Donations;
The Effects of State‐Mandated Financial Education on College Financing Behaviors,
Christiana Stoddard and Carly Urban,
in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Does financial education affect retirement savings?,
Melody Harvey and Carly Urban,
in The Journal of the Economics of Ageing
Keywords: Retirement savings; Financial education; Financial capability;
Do High Schools Choose Financial Education Policies Based on Their Neighbors?,
Allison Luedtke and Carly Urban,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: financial education, financial literacy, networks
Mandatory Mediation and the Renegotiation of Mortgage Contracts,
J. Michael Collins and Carly Urban,
in Economic Journal
Partisan Gerrymandering and Turnout,
Daniel Jones, Neil Silveus and Carly Urban,
in Journal of Law and Economics
Measuring financial well-being over the lifecourse,
J. Michael Collins and Carly Urban,
in The European Journal of Finance
Can targeted information affect academic performance and borrowing behavior for college students? Evidence from administrative data,
Christiana Stoddard, Carly Urban and Maximilian Schmeiser,
in Economics of Education Review
The effects of expanding access to mental health services on SS(D)I applications and awards,
Matt Messel, Isaac Swensen and Carly Urban,
in Labour Economics
Keywords: Mental health; Disability policy supplemental security income; SSI/SSDI;
The effects of a foreclosure moratorium on loan repayment behaviors,
J. Michael Collins and Carly Urban,
in Regional Science and Urban Economics
Literature Review on the Effect of Physical and Mental Health on Financial Well-Being,
Isaac D. Swensen and Carly Urban,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: health shock, financial well-being, household finances
Student Loan Information Provision and Academic Choices,
Maximilian Schmeiser, Christiana Stoddard and Carly Urban,
in American Economic Review
Do house prices affect campaign contributions?,
Rebecca Lessem, Sarah Niebler and Carly Urban,
in Economics and Politics
J. Michael Collins and Carly Urban,
in Economic Inquiry
Is Smoking Inferior?: Evidence from Variation in the Earned Income Tax Credit,
Donald Kenkel, Maximilian Schmeiser and Carly Urban,
in Journal of Human Resources
The dark side of sunshine: Regulatory oversight and status quo bias,
J. Michael Collins and Carly Urban,
in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Keywords: Status quo bias; Loss aversion; Mortgage foreclosure;
Negative Advertising and Political Competition,
Amit Gandhi, Daniela Iorio and Carly Urban,
in The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
Negative Advertising and Political Competition,
Amit Gandhi, Carly Urban and Daniela Iorio,
from Barcelona School of Economics
Keywords: Political Advertising, Primaries, Duopoly
Does Salient Financial Information Affect Academic Performance and Borrowing Behavior among College Students?,
Maximilian Schmeiser, Christiana Stoddard and Carly Urban,
from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.)
Keywords: financial counseling; financial education; financial literacy; higher education; student loans
College Financing Choices and Academic Performance,
Christiana Stoddard, Carly Urban and Maximilian D. Schmeiser,
in Journal of Consumer Affairs
The effects of high school personal financial education policies on financial behavior,
Carly Urban, Maximilian Schmeiser, J. Michael Collins and Alexandra Brown,
in Economics of Education Review
Keywords: Financial literacy; Financial education; Policy evaluation;
Exploring the rise of mortgage borrowing among older Americans,
J. Michael Collins, Erik Hembre and Carly Urban,
in Regional Science and Urban Economics
Keywords: Mortgages; Homeownership; Retirement; Personal Finance;
Is Smoking Inferior? Evidence from Variation in the Earned Income Tax Credit,
Donald Kenkel, Maximilian Schmeiser and Carly J. Urban,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Protecting Minority Homeowners: Race, Foreclosure Counseling and Mortgage Modifications,
J. Michael Collins, Maximilian Schmeiser and Carly Urban,
in Journal of Consumer Affairs
Financial education affects financial knowledge and downstream behaviors,
Annamaria Lusardi, Tim Kaiser, Lukas Menkhoff and Carly Urban,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Financial education; Financial literacy; Financial behavior; Rct; Meta-analysis
Financial education affects financial knowledge and downstream behaviors,
Tim Kaiser, Annamaria Lusardi, Lukas Menkhoff and Carly Urban,
in Journal of Financial Economics
Keywords: Financial education; Financial literacy; Financial behavior; RCT; Meta-analysis;
Financial Education Affects Financial Knowledge and Downstream Behaviors,
Tim Kaiser, Annamaria Lusardi, Lukas Menkhoff and Carly J. Urban,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Rolling the Dice on Foreclosure Prevention: Differences Across Mortgage Servicers in Loan Modifications and Loan Cure Rates,
Carolina K. Reid, Carly Urban and J. Michael Collins,
in Housing Policy Debate
Personal belief exemptions for school-entry vaccinations, vaccination rates, and academic achievement,
Nicole L. Hair, Anja Gruber and Carly Urban,
in Journal of Health Economics
Keywords: Vaccination; State mandates; Nonmedical exemptions; Test scores;
Personal Belief Exemptions for School-Entry Vaccinations, Vaccination Rates, and Academic Achievement,
Nicole L. Hair, Anja Gruber and Carly Urban,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: nonmedical exemptions, state mandates, vaccination, test scores
Financial Education Affects Financial Knowledge and Downstream Behaviors,
Tim Kaiser, Annamaria Lusardi, Lukas Menkhoff and Carly Urban,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: financial literacy, financial education, financial behavior, RCT, metaanalysis
State Mandated Financial Education and the Credit Behavior of Young Adults,
Alexandra Brown, J. Michael Collins, Maximilian Schmeiser and Carly Urban,
from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.)
Keywords: Financial literacy; financial education; credit scores; delinquency
Does Access to Bank Accounts as a Minor Improve Financial Capability? Evidence from Minor Bank Account Laws,
J. Michael Collins, Jeff Larrimore and Carly Urban,
from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.)
Keywords: Unbanked; Financial Inclusion; Bank Regulation; Financial Capability
Financial Education Affects Financial Knowledge and Downstream Behaviors,
Tim Kaiser, Annamaria Lusardi, Lukas Menkhoff and Carly Urban,
from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research
Keywords: Financial education, financial literacy, financial behavior, RCT, meta- analysis
Exploring the Rise of Mortgage Borrowing among Older Americans,
J. Michael Collins, Erik Hembre and Carly Urban,
from Center for Retirement Research
Financial Education Affects Financial Knowledge and Downstream Behaviors,
Tim Kaiser, Annamaria Lusardi, Lukas Menkhoff and Carly Urban,
from CRC TRR 190 Rationality and Competition
Keywords: financial education; financial literacy; financial behavior; RCT; meta-analysis;
Perspectives on evaluation in financial education: Landscape, issues, and studies,
William Walstad, Carly Urban, Carlos Asarta, Elizabeth Breitbach, William Bosshardt, Julie Heath, Barbara O'Neill, Jamie Wagner and Jing Jian Xiao,
in The Journal of Economic Education
Rise from the rough: The growing demands on the brown diamond market,
Carly Fink,
in Journal of Brand Strategy
Keywords: branding, perception, celebrity endorsements, brown diamonds, ‘chocolate diamond’ fashion jewellery, bridal jewellery, Le Vian®, Le Vian® Chocolate Diamond™, HERSHEY'S KISSES® Jewelry
Bright lights, big city, small boxes: Designing for the New York norms,
Carly Tysh,
in Journal of Brand Strategy
Keywords: Lowe’s, urban retail, New York City, retail design, urban consumer, design implementation, small format, consumer insight, wayfinding
Why millennials gravitate to new brands in online investing,
Carly Fink,
in Journal of Brand Strategy
Keywords: millennials, investing, trading platforms, advertising, emotional branding, fintechPhoto
Peaceful Conflict Resolution through Densely Gender-Equal International Organizations,
Carly Millerd,
in International Interactions
'You don't do a chemistry experiment in your best china': Symbolic interpretations of place and technology in a wave energy case,
Carly McLachlan,
in Energy Policy
Keywords: Wave energy Siting controversy Symbolism
Headwinds: sustainability as a theme in contemporary public art,
Carly Schmitt,
in Environment Systems and Decisions
Keywords: Art public art, Contemporary art, Sustainability, Economic sustainability, Social sustainability, Environmental sustainability
Millets, milk and maggi: contested processes of the nutrition transition in rural India,
Carly Nichols,
in Agriculture and Human Values
Keywords: South Asia, Nutrition transition, Ethnographic methods, Agriculture, Food cultures
When Corporations Are People: Agent Talk and the Development of Organizational Actorhood, 1890–1934*,
Carly Knight,
in Sociological Methods & Research
Keywords: organizations; natural language processing; agency; historical sociology; text analysis
Nutrition sensitive agriculture: An equity-based analysis from India,
Carly Nichols,
in World Development
Keywords: Kitchen gardens; Self-help groups; Equity; Cognitive justice; South Asia; Non-governmental organizations;
Self-help groups as platforms for development: The role of social capital,
Carly Nichols,
in World Development
Keywords: Self-help groups; Behavior-change communication; South Asia; Social capital; Non-governmental organizations; Health and nutrition;
Equity and empowerment effects: Multiple styles of ‘voluntarism’ in community-based health projects,
Carly Nichols,
in World Development
Keywords: Volunteering; Gender; Nutrition; Ethics; South Asia; Self-help groups;
Political Fragility and the Timing of Conflict Mediation,
Carly Beckerman,
in Social Sciences
Keywords: conflict; mediation; PH theory; Israel; Palestine; ripeness
Willfulness and the market: (post)feminist subjectivities and womens body work,
Carly Drake,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Business and Management, Economics and Finance,
Terrified or Enraged? Emotional Microfoundations of Public Counterterror Attitudes,
Carly N. Wayne,
in International Organization
The wazan janch: The body-mass index and the socio-spatial politics of health promotion in rural India,
Carly E. Nichols,
in Social Science & Medicine
Keywords: South asia; Women empowerment; Malnutrition; Social theory; Health promotion; Scale; Governmentality;
Spaces for women: Rethinking behavior change communication in the context of women's groups and nutrition-sensitive agriculture,
Carly E. Nichols,
in Social Science & Medicine
Keywords: Self-help groups; Participatory learning and action; Maternal and child health; Women's health; Health promotion ethics;
Digesting agriculture development: nutrition-oriented development and the political ecology of rice–body relations in India,
Carly E. Nichols,
in Agriculture and Human Values
Keywords: Political ecology, Nutrition-sensitive agriculture, India, Feminist epistemology, Embodiment
Being a woman with the “skills of a man”: negotiating gender in the 21st century US Corn Belt,
Carly E. Nichols,
in Agriculture and Human Values
Keywords: Farm stress, Social reproduction, Equity, Gender, Agriculture
Registered author: Carly Dana Trachtman
Registered author: Carly Kathleen Petracco
Ethics in Organizations: Fundamental Problems, Trivial Applications?,
Sabine Urban,
in Rivista di Politica Economica
Perceived Relationships among Components of Insurance Service for Users of Complementary Health Insurance Service,
Urban Sebjan,
in Management
Keywords: service, components of health insurance services, voluntary health insurance, insurance company
Das nordische Modell: Antrieb oder Bremse der politischen Entwicklung?,
Urban Lundberg,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
Zmeny v marketingovom prostredí v súčinnosti s vývojom podnikateľských subjektov,
Eduard Urban,
in Medzinarodne vztahy (Journal of International Relations)
Keywords: medzinárodný marketing, podnikateľské prostredie, marketingová stratégia, nové trendy
The Importance of Attributes in Entrepreneurial Opportunity Evaluations: An Emerging Market Study,
B. Urban,
in Managerial and Decision Economics
Koordinace hospodářské politiky zemí EU a její meze (available in Czech only),
Luděk Urban,
in Czech Economic Review
Keywords: monetary policy, fiscal policy, coordination of economic policies
Rozšiøování Evropské unie a èeská ekonomika (The EU enlargement and the Czech republic),
Ludìk Urban,
in Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a uver)
Keywords: economic integration, transformace, European Union
Le management international à l'écoute du local. coordonné par Ulrike Mayrhofer et Philippe Very, Éditions Gualino, coll. « Management international », Paris, 2013, 350 p,
Sabine Urban,
in Revue française de gestion
Kazakhstan innovation infrastructure development: problems and prospects,
Urban M.,
in Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics. Вісник Киiвського нацiонального унiверситету iм. Тараса Шевченка. Серiя: Економiка
Double-stack service: A breakthrough in transportation technology,
John Urban,
from United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Outlook Forum
Keywords: Agribusiness
Business Intelligence Practices: Adding Evidence from Organizations in the Nordic Countries,
Urban Ask,
in International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR)
The Collective and the Individual in Russia: A Study of Practices. By Oleg Kharkhordin. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999. 418p. $50.00,
Michael Urban,
in American Political Science Review
Czech republic: outlook of accession to the european union,
Luděk Urban,
in Prague Economic Papers
Restoring the financial sector and corporate deleveraging in Slovenia,
Urban Sila,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: banking system, deleveraging, désendettement, insolvabilité, insolvency, système bancaire
Labour market and collective bargaining in Iceland: sharing the spoils without spoiling the shares,
Urban Sila,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: competitiveness, dispute resolution, mediation, trade unions, wage negotiations
Job displacement in Australia: Evidence from the HILDA survey,
Urban Sila,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: Australia, displaced workers, HILDA, household panel, labour market
The drivers of Norway's house prices,
Urban Sila,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: house prices, housing market, land-use and rental regulations, mortgage markets, Norway, panel estimation
The MDGs and Beyond: Can Low Carbon Development be Pro‐poor?,
Frauke Urban,
in IDS Bulletin
Sicht weisen auf die Sozialgeschichte der Jugend,
Urban Wolfgang,
in Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook
Book review: Migrants and City-Making: Dispossession, Displacement, and Urban Regeneration,
Susanne Urban,
in Urban Studies
Thomas Urban,
from Technische Universität Dresden, "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Institute of Transport and Economics
Not much chance for developing countries in the shoe industry,
Philipp Urban,
in Intereconomics – Review of European Economic Policy (1966 - 1988)
Keywords: Relocation Of Production In Developing Countries
Preliminary estimates of growth parameters for three commercial bivalve species of Peru (Gari solida, Anlacomya ater and Semele solida),
H.J. Urban,
in Fishbyte
Keywords: Growth curves, Frequency analysis, Population dynamics, Peru, Gari solida, Anlacomya ater, Semele solida
Pro-poor low carbon development and the role of growth,
Frauke Urban,
in International Journal of Green Economics
Keywords: pro-poor; climate change; mitigation; adaptation; economic growth; energy; United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; UNFCCC; Millennium Development Goals; MDGs; low carbon development; LCD; poverty reduction; green economics.
The interplay between institutional factors and experience as determinants of employment growth in South African SMEs,
Boris Urban,
in International Journal of Business and Globalisation
Keywords: institutional; regulatory; normative; cognitive; experience; employment growth; job creation; South Africa; SA.
Public sector entrepreneurial orientation in South Africa: a focus on organisational boundaries, strategy and resources,
Boris Urban,
in International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
Keywords: entrepreneurship; innovativeness; risk taking; pro-activeness; organisational antecedents; strategy; resources; boundary conditions; public sector; South Africa.
Wealth inequality and entrepreneurial activity in South Africa,
Boris Urban,
in International Journal of Sustainable Economy
Keywords: inequality; entrepreneurship; wealth; sustainability; South Africa; self-employment.
Arbeits- und Qualifikationsintensität der österreichischen Industriesparten. Indikatoren für die potentielle Gefährdung durch Niedriglohnkonkurrenz,
Waltraud Urban,
in WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports)
Keywords: Arbeits- und Qualifikationsintensität der österreichischen Industriesparten. Indikatoren für die potentielle Gefährdung durch Niedriglohnkonkurrenz
Registered author: Daniel Urban
Ideological framework and health development in Tanzania 1961-2000,
Urban Jonsson,
in Social Science & Medicine
Energy supply and security policy--In the need of transnational institutions?,
Urban Strandberg,
in Energy Policy
China: Active fiscal policy and rising external demand may halt decline in growth,
Waltraut Urban,
from The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw
Chinese economy develops better than expected,
Waltraut Urban,
from The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw
China to face declining external demand,
Waltraut Urban,
from The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw
China: Domestic market fuels growth,
Waltraut Urban,
from The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw
China: Looking back on a landmark year,
Waltraut Urban,
from The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw
Chinese economy drawn by domestic and external forces,
Waltraut Urban,
from The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw
China: Fast growth maintained despite slowdown of the world economy,
Waltraut Urban,
from The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw